Perimenopause and menopause has you navigating so many body changes… and then to get dressed. I’m not sure about you, but I have found this to be one of the hardest things to deal with. Trying on outfit after outfit in hope that this one will fit.
I’m not going to lie, being able to throw something on and look fabulous does require some planning. But once done, you really can get dressed quickly and easily.
Here is how:
- Decide on the look you want to create.Just because you can’t or don’t want to wear the clothes you used to wear in your 20’s doesn’t mean you must give up on your style. You just need to discover a new style that represents who you are now. Do you want to wear more color? Do you want to wear dresses that make you feel feminine or classic pieces that look chic and sophisticated. Knowing what you want will train your brain to see all that is relevent when shopping your closet, stores or online stores.
- Do a serious closet audit.One of the worst things you can do is to have a closet filled with clothes that no longer fit you. Separate what works for and fits the body you have now from what doesn’t. Let go of what no longer works so you can make space for what does! If this is too big of a step, put them in another closet where you can’t see them. If you don’t go back for them in a few months time, then it’s time to purge.
- Of the items that fit you, which of these create the desired look?The clothes that fit you may just fit you, but may not create the sense of style you are after. Or you may have a few pieces that work, but you need a few new items that will make your wardrobe pop.
- Make a shopping list.Yes! I said a shopping list. Just as you do for groceries, make a list of what you need. This will save you a fortune and prevent you from buying what’s on sale or what you happen to see on Instagram. This also trains your brain to filter what is and is not relevant for you, making shopping less overwhelming.
- Shop versatile pieces not outfits. You want items that will mix and match and dress up and down. If you buy outfits, you will need more of them and if one item in the outfit gets ruined, the whole outfit is useless. Having a few pieces that mix and match will make you feel like you always have something fun to wear. The options are endless.
- Plan to dress for your lifestyle. So many times I hear women say they need a dress for a special occasion, big presentation or event that is this weekend. Shopping at the last minute usually means you spend more, don’t really like it and never wear it again. Rather, do a little planning in advance. In fact, if you often have events to go to, build up a wardrobe that includes a few event outfits so you always have something to wear.
Bonus Tip:
Instead of shopping cheap, shop the right pieces. A bargain is only a bargain if you really want the item and you will wear it. So many times we can get nervous about a price tag, but if you will wear that item often, it represents your personal style and it’s good quality, it’s worth spending a bit more.
If you find this process overwhelming, I am here to help you. Click here for my styling services.
This article was published on Kuel Life