Just because you don’t want to or can’t wear the clothes you used to wear in your 20’s doesn’t mean you have to give up on style. And it may mean that you have to step out of your comfort zone to discover a new fabulous look.
Stacey and Andrea joined me in my studio for a live try on and this is what we found.
Stacey always wears black and stays away from color and print. BUT… bringing her into a playful space where she could explore had her picking the boldest color print dress on the rack. As she tried it on, her complexion popped and she praced around like a goddess. And yes! She looked like a goddess.
So often we stick with black because it is ‘easy’ and it’s ‘slimming’, but wearing color is one of the best things we can do for our entire look. As a stylist, I’ve always encouraged women to wear color close to their faces, but I have to tell you that seeing Stacey in the bold color print dress made me think differently. It’s not just important to a colorful top, but color period. The entire look. Because it truly can transform your entire look.
Andrea has a different challenge. She has curves and she embraces them (yay Andrea!). But she finds it hard to find styles in stores that work for her shape. Luckily, she was willing to try various things. Some of the styles we tried on her were terrible!
That’s the thing. When you step out of your comfort zone and try different styles, you need to be prepared that some you try won’t work. And girlfriend, it’s the garment that is wrong for you, not you are wrong for the garment. So many times, we take it to mean that there is something wrong with our bodies.
The fashion industry love to make us feel like we are not tall enough, thin enough, curvy enough, busty enough, white enough, tanned enough…. the list goes on. In reality, even the woman you think can wear anything and look good, doesn’t look good in everything. So take yourself off the hook and toss the things that don’t work for you and keep looking for the styles that do.
We found some fabulous silhouettes for Andrea that hugged and draped her curves in all the right places. What I learned from Andrea is that openess is the key.
Perimenopause is a time of your life when you get to re-evaluate many things. What you choose to put on your body can make a big different to how you feel about the changes you are going through.
So be open, learn to have fun with it and create something that makes you feel like the goddess you are!
For help creating a fabulous funky look click here for Tracy’s styling services. https://tracygoldfashiontips.com/makeovers/
This article was published on Kuel Life https://kuellife.com/breaking-fashion-barriers-after-50s/